Natou essay about “pork” Peer review

Hello Natou , this essay was amazing , great job ! I can definitely relate to “pork” , me being Spanish this is a main dish in my household. I was very interest in your essay I wouldn’t change much but maybe add more, you was very vivid on details with scents , and scene so that caught my eye and pulled me right in. You was very clear on timing as well. But the last paragraph where you closed out and said that this opened up your culinary interest , did you try to make this yourself yet ? how did it come out? has anyone else fall in love with it just like you did? as well as did you get your aunt recipe? Overall this was amazing essay and it really caught my eye and had me scrolling more to read more. Great job.

Essay 1 Taste buds

In this essay I will be talking about certain dishes were made on certain holidays and how 2 family’s put together there own menu. Growing up certain food was only made on Thanksgiving , Easter and Christmas. Also all memories created while cooking. Also learning new dishes and adding them to the menu.

  • Holiday Dinners , (Thanksgiving , Christmas , Easter)
  • Sunday Dinner
  • Making new memories with combined family
  • Laughter
  • Games
  • Certain dishes that remind you of loved ones.
  • cookout/birthdays

Taste buds,

Growing up in a Spanish household there were certain dishes made for every holiday, as well as every family gathering. The main dish was pork shoulder(pernil). Pernil is a type of pork that is beautifully seasoned slow cooked and becomes fall-apart tender right off the bone. When slow cooking this you can smell all the seasonings and herbs. This dish is very popular in Spanish traditions. In my family you only had it during those special occasions. Walking up in the middle of the night with the house being so warm and smelling the combined spices from the pernil in the oven, you knew the next day was going to be a good lunch/dinner. Along with the aroma in the house, brings joy and happiness knowing all your cousins and family are going to soon celebrate. As the next day follows, there’s no such thing as breakfast maybe a quick bite but overall kitchen was closed. Just knowing my mom and aunts were cooking all this food everyone couldn’t eat till about 1pm. While they cooked you can hear them talking Spanish so fast and laughing. Overall certain people were accountable for certain things like desserts, rice, meats & drinks. Everything always smelt so good making always impatient to eat. Don’t forget the uncles to entertain the kids with games and jokes. These games concluded red light green light, card games , and board games. So much laughter till your belly’s and cheeks hurt. As a child not only was the food the best part but just playing with my cousins was everything. Throughout the whole day don’t expect less than 15 people in and out house. Now as I grew older and the family grew bigger those memorable dishes and entertaining games came right along with me.

Pernil ( Pork Shoulder )

In this moment of time I met someone who’s culture was just like mine but very different. The similar foods are desserts like flan, rice as they call it jag and pastels.  These taste buds now endure Cape Verdean food. As I had children and our families joined together, not only did the seats around the table grow, but as well as the new smells of amazing foods we shared. These holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving the tables would be set and everyone dressed up to enjoy the feast of foods. You did not only see aunts in the kitchen you now see the next generation in the kitchen even the men, yes, the men. Now those cousins are in the kitchen cooking preparing some of the tasteful foods such as Mac and cheese, corn bread stuffing, ribs, tuna steak, and so much more. Some of these dishes now you can’t unseen having at any family gathering. As a blended family now, your taste buds grew fond of new delicious dishes that made the ultimate family traditions to pass down to the new generations.


Another special dish that could never come off the menu is potato salad. As a child into my adult years my mom’s potato salad was my sisters favorite, after she passed away you can tell my mom didn’t really show interest of making it anymore, but my sisters’ children were like a spitting image of her. There features resemble her and laugh just like her. Its incredible to notice even there gestors and movement can remind you so much of someone who has passed. By surprise they always asked for it. Now making it just brought back all the memories of her, hearing her laugh, and humming on how delicious it is, is all I can think about watching her children enjoy it. Now every time that we have the potato salad anywhere for a cookout or holiday we have her laughter right with it as if she’s on side of us enjoying it to. Another dish added to the menu for this wonderful family. Lastly let your taste buds do the exploring to create an everlasting menu to share on for generations.

Potato salad

The epiphany that I have got from this  experience is while eating Spanish food, I am not only sensing the “beauty” of the taste, but also the beauty of the appearances of the food, the hospitality and warmness of the server and the coziness of the atmosphere. Everything in both cultures is worth trying and experiencing. Creating memories that will last a life time.

Corn taste better on the honor system by Robin Wall Kimmerer

What do you think the title means?

Honestly I think of this title and automatically think that it is talking about food and school. But as you continue to read you can notice that’s not the case. Corn symbolizes that it can be the same seed but different farmers can plant the same thing but have a different aspect on outcome as well as different process on how it is planted. The author also stated that it was a part of the Indigenous people’s spirituality and culture. All these different type of groups the evolution and differences of corn then versus now. Now all these groups of people don’t take the value as they use to when coming to harvest corn. The author is a mother ,scientist , professor, and enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation her audience that she is trying to grasp is Center for Native Peoples and the Environment. But overall anyone who loves reading and finds this read interesting she will catch there eye.

What places in the essay did I find interesting?

What I found interesting and thought mothers can relate is when she stated that Remaining is a powerful form of colonialism in which the settler erases original meanings. as stated below “

Corn? Maize? Mother of All Things? Renaming is a powerful form of colonialism in which the settler erases original meanings and replaces it with meanings of their own. This practice of linguistic imperialism also diminished corn from its status as Mahiz, the sacred life giver, to an anonymous commodity. Indigenous languages, lifeways, and relations with the land have all been subject to the violence of colonialism. Maize herself has been a victim, and so have you, when a worldview which cultivated honorable relations with the living earth has been overwritten with an ethic of exploitation, when our plant and animal relatives no longer look at us with honor, but turn their faces away. But there is a kernel of resurgence, if we are willing to learn.”

I feel that if everyone was wiling to learn and she also states restore honor on the way food is grown, then more people would be more humble and take pride on the things we accomplish and do. The world would most defiantly be a better place to reside in. As you read here too ” All the summer’s work of people and plant fills the bellies of friends and family and takes its rightful place at traditional ceremonies, nourishing people and culture at the same time. This harmonious image is far from the norm. ” I feel like reading this and then the last part of her essay when she stated “Together we can remember our covenant with corn, that she will care for the people, if we will care for her.” This to me means that if you can do honorable things for people , it will come back to you in 10 folds. Always stay kind and do great and great things will come.

When I first read the title and started to read this essay I thought that I wasn’t going to be able to connect to the author or understand mostly what she was trying to grasp but after reading it and even listening to it I got a different outlook on the title and meaning of what she was trying to catch as a reader. As she also ought my attention when she said slavery and standing alone in poisoned fields, they was forced to carry genes not their own. Never would I think of it in that way but as I read her entire essay I got a different outlook on it.

Ted Talk

In this ted talk with Jennifer 8. Lee , she talks about why 1.5 Billion people eat with chopsticks. Chopsticks are two long sticks used to eat them with one hand. Also are used in a huge portion of the world, across much of Asia. Initially, chopsticks were used as cooking utensils the first ones were originally large to stir cooking pots, and only later did they come to be used as eating utensils. Different cultures have slightly different variations of chopsticks including Korea , Chinese and Japan. In Chinese culture, chopsticks symbolize gentleness and benevolence.

Chinese chopsticks will tend to be long and rounded.

Korean chopsticks are flatter and often made of metal.

Japanese are rounded and are very pointy.

History of chopsticks ? In the 1800 Asian men used these to stir food and as well to eat small portion of food. Such as noddle’s, small pieces of meat, rice and dumplings. As of American men eat with a knife and fork. In the 1970s America and China began their diplomatic Engagement. Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger had to practice eating with chopsticks. Chinese chopsticks were initially made from bronze, and later evolved into ones made of silver, ivory, jade, and even bamboo. Asian cuisine has moved to the East to the West, now is more popular today. You should not use them like drumsticks or stick them straight down into food, as people will get them confused as incents.

By June 11, 2024.  No Comments on Ted Talk  Uncategorized   

Jazzy’s Blog

Learning to be a great writer this summer.

My names Jaslyn , I graduated high school in 2010. There is 5 boys that live at home. Three of the boys are mine , and two are my nephews. My sister passed away 5 years ago and they have lived with me since. I decided to reenter school and further my education in nursing. English and writing isn’t my strong points but is always a learning process. I do love to write in a journal, I feel like its very therapeutic for me. Growing up I enjoyed the book fair even though I didn’t get books, I enjoyed more of the fancy pens, notebooks , stickers and all the other fun stuff they sold. This summer I am excited to work on different outlets to become a great and more improved writer.

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